Mathematics and Physics Fee
Weekly Four-Weekly Online Course
Discount Coupon
Per Semester
Hrs. / Week
Help Hrs/Week
09 $40 $145 $160 1.5 1.5
10 $45 $165 $200 1.5 1.5
11 $50 $185 $240 1.5 3.0
12 $55 $205 $315 2.0 4.0
Science, Chemistry and Biology Fee
Grade Weekly Four-Weekly Theory
Hrs. / Week
Help Hrs/Week
9 $40 $145 1 1
10 $45 $165 1 1.5
11 $50 $185 1.5 1.5
12 $55 $205 1.5 1.5
* Minimum 3 Students in a Group Class. See the Schedule for the current Group Classes
HW(**) Homework help classes are optional and included in the payment
***Private Classes are for University Students only